

Autoschizis .COM


"Autoschizis is a novel type of cell death characterized by exaggerated membrane damage and the progressive loss of cytoplasm through a series of self-excisions. These self-excisions typically continue until the perikaryon consists of an apparently intact, round nucleus surrounded by a thin rim of cytoplasm that contains damaged organelles. During the process of cell death by autoschizis, nucleoplasms initially become more chromatic and then progressively lose chromaticity as their size decreases. Concomitant with this diminution in cell size, the nuclei become smaller and contain large nucleoli, which become round and compact. Therefore, before it dies, the size of the resultant autoschizic cell is much smaller than the tumor cell from which it originated".


Reference: Autoschizis: a novel cell death. Jamison JM, Gilloteaux J, Taper HS, Calderon PB, Summers JL. Biochem Pharmacol. 2002 May 15;63(10):1773-83. Review.



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Autoschizis was observed as a new form of cell death in  a study aimed to characterize the cytotoxic effects of vitamin C (VitC), Vitamin K3 (VitK3) or a VitC:VK3 combination on a human bladder carcinoma cell line (T24) following 1-h and 2-h vitamin treatment.

- VitC alone exhibited membranous damage (blebs and endoplasmic extrusions, elongated microvilli).

- VitK3-treated cells displayed greater membrane damage and enucleation than those treated with VitC as well as cytoplasmic defects characteristic of cytoskeletal damage.

- VitC:VitK3-treated cells showed exaggerated membrane damage and an enucleation process in which the perikarya separate from the main cytoplasmic cell body by self-excision. 

- Self-excisions continued for perikarya which contained an intact nucleus surrounded by damaged organelles. After further excisions of cytoplasm, the nuclei exhibited nucleolar segregation and chromatin decondensation followed by nuclear karryorhexis and karyolysis.


Reference: Cancer cell necrosis by autoschizis: synergism of antitumor activity of vitamin C: vitamin K3 on human bladder carcinoma T24 cells. Gilloteaux J, Jamison JM, Arnold D, Ervin E, Eckroat L, Docherty JJ, Neal D, Summers JL. Scanning. 1998 Nov;20(8):564-75.

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History of autoschizis














First observation of a novel form cell death

Reference: J. Gilloteaux, J.M. Jamison, M. Venugopal, D. Giammar and J.L. Summers , Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy aspects of synergistic antitumor activity of vitamin C-vitamin K3 combinations against human prostatic carcinoma cell. Scanning Microsc. Int. 9 (1995), pp. 159–173








The term "autoschizis" was coined because of the tendency of the cells to cut themselves into small pieces

Reference: Cancer cell necrosis by autoschizis: synergism of antitumor activity of vitamin C: vitamin K3 on human bladder carcinoma T24 cells. Gilloteaux J, Jamison JM, Arnold D, Ervin E, Eckroat L, Docherty JJ, Neal D, Summers JL. Scanning. 1998 Nov;20(8):564-75.









Characterization of the Ultrastructural aspects of autoschizis.

Reference:  Ultrastructural aspects of autoschizis: a new cancer cell death induced by the synergistic action of ascorbate/menadione on human bladder carcinoma cells. Gilloteaux J, Jamison JM, Arnold D, Taper HS, Summers JL. Ultrastruct Pathol. 2001 May-Jun;25(3):183-92.









Autoschizis i following ascorbate:menadione treatment in human ovarian carcinoma cells.


Reference: Autoschizis: a new form of cell death for human ovarian carcinoma cells following ascorbate:menadione treatment. Nuclear and DNA degradation. Gilloteaux J, Jamison JM, Lorimer HE, Jarjoura D, Taper HS, Calderon PB, Neal DR, Summers JL. Tissue Cell. 2004 Jun;36(3):197-209.










Orally administered vitamin C and K3 significantly inhibited the metastases of T.L.T. tumors in C3H mice. At least a portion of this inhibition was due to tumor cell death by autoschizis.

Reference: Inhibition of the development of metastases by dietary vitamin C:K3 combination. Taper HS, Jamison JM, Gilloteaux J, Summers JL, Calderon PB. Life Sci. 2004 Jul 9;75(8):955-67.



2005   Cell death by autoschizis in a prostate carcinoma cell line.

Reference: Cell death by autoschizis in TRAMP prostate carcinoma cells as a result of treatment by ascorbate: menadione combination. Gilloteaux J, Jamison JM, Neal DR, Summers JL. Ultrastruct Pathol. 2005 May-Aug;29(3-4):221-35.



Autoschizis in T24 human bladder carcinoma cell line after ascorbate:menadione (VC:VK(3)) treatments.


Morphology and DNA degeneration during autoschizic cell death in bladder carcinoma T24 cells induced by ascorbate and menadione treatment. Gilloteaux J, Jamison JM, Arnold D, Neal DR, Summers JL. Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol. 2006 Jan;288(1):58-83.


2009   DNAse I might inhibit proliferation of cancer cells by autoschizis

Reference: Incubation with DNase I inhibits tumor cell proliferation. Alcázar-Leyva S, Cerón E, Masso F, Montaño LF, Gorocica P, Alvarado-Vásquez N. Med Sci Monit. 2009 Feb;15(2):CR51-55.


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